
An iPad App for Sales Teams

Here at Fast Fwd, we get asked to quote and consult on numerous types of apps and websites. The most popular app request that we are getting at the moment is not for an outward facing brand or e-commerce app (it could be that marketers are investing more in responsive design to cover that need.) but internal sales team apps. For organisations with field sales teams, there is an aspiration to move away from unpopular leaflets and brochures and to do away with inconvenient and awkward boot times on laptops. Many sales people have been issued with iPads, these are quite effective out of the box with presentation materials saved on the device as PDF or media files.

There has been the realisation more recently that there is an opportunity to make a more professional and polished impression on customers with an iPad app for sales teams, a branded app, preloaded with presentation materials, video content, testimonials and social media feeds. Apps like these can be tied in with the organisations CRM system such as sales force; they ensure that orders can be processed in the most accurate way possible and instantly too. The content of the apps can be managed by a simple CMS that the sales team or administrators can keep up to date, to ensure the latest specification, pricing and presentations are always available.

People always want to know what things like these costs. Well there isn’t a one price answer; we develop applications bespoke for each client. However the range of costs so far is from £8,000 to £15,000.


iPad Sales app in place at an industry event

Insights by Matthew Jensen

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